Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another space on the internet with Misha collins refs and giant naked fleshy men. (trend hos ho!)

With summer just about on the verge of it's bow to fall but still too soon for a deathknell leaves the average self-important jackass writing about the time with only the opportunity for slight reflection but immediate prediction-ish.

So somehow out of the blue we got a table for otakon 2013 Last minute and somehow we got our gusto together enough to make a fairly decent showing of art. Check it out:

Then there was a bit of the ol highfive city marathon followed by driving home followed by
the gishwhes 2013 (William Shatner's favorite cult) that dragged us along for some last minute breakneck social awkward fun. The highlights:

So now with said new seasons looming and new jobs impending
we got some more stuff on the way but no use announcing anything
until it's sea-worthy let alone ready for launch.
